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Information about Webform Stripe for Backdrop.

2 Empty Repo

Allows for multiple prices per volume of products in Ubercart.


Add a simple notification bar at the top of the page quickly.

5 AJAX Comments

Convert comment forms to Ajax.

AJAX, Comments
6 Back To Top

Displays a button that allows you to jump back to the top of your site.

7 Backdrop upgrade status

Checks to see if the installed modules on a Drupal 7 site are ready for upgrade to Backdrop CMS.

8 Better Search Block

Tweak the default Backdrop search block with CSS animations

Appearance, blocks, Search, Theme Enhancements
9 CiviCRM Blocks

Insert a CiviCRM Contribution page into a Backdrop Layout via a block.

CiviCRM, Blocks
10 CiviCRM Cron

Use Backdrop's cron to call CiviCRM's cron.

CiviCRM, developer, Cron
11 CiviCRM Fields

Add fields that allow insertion of CiviCRM Contribution or Event Registration pages into Backdrop.

CiviCRM, Fields
12 CiviCRM Group Nodes

Sync contacts in a CiviCRM group to Backdrop nodes.

CiviCRM, Nodes
13 Classy Paragraphs

Provides a field type that applies classes to Paragraphs items.

14 Conditional Fields

Define dependencies between fields based on their states and values.

15 Content Access

Manage permissions for content types by role.

Content, Access
16 Content Type Clone

Allow cloning a content type (including fields).

Content Types, Duplication
17 CSV Export

Ubercart CSV export

Files, Ubercart, ecommerce
18 Custom Contextual Links

Add your own links to the contextual drop down widgets of blocks, views and nodes.

Contextual Links, User Interface
19 Date Repeat API

This port of this project is incomplete.

Deprecated, Dates "This module is not actively maintained: If someone submits a PR to fix remaining issues, I will test and review it." Recommended to consider "Repeating Dates" instead.
20 Delete All

Admin tool to bulk delete content, taxonomy terms, and users.

Content, Administration
21 Disable Term Content Listings

Selectively disable content listings per vocabulary.

Taxonomy, Display
22 Duplicate Images
23 Easy Breadcrumb

Provides a block with an alternative URL-based breadcrumb trail.

24 Editable Views

Create Views where the fields can be edited.

Views, User Interface
25 Entity Plus

This module wraps in a variety of additional entity-related functionality from various sources. Partial port of D7 Entity API.

26 Expanding Formatter

Provides an expanding formatter for existing text, long text and text with summary widget types.

27 Extended image module (EIM)

Allow Alt and Title tags to be required on image fields

Administration, Editors
28 Feeds Tamper

Feeds Tamper provides a small plugin architecture for Feeds to modify data before it gets saved.

29 Field Formatter Settings API

API provider for other modules to easily alter field formatter settings forms and the formatter summaries.

Deprecated Status: This project is no longer needed as of Backdrop 1.13 since the functionality has been added in core.
30 Field Multiple Limit

This is a simple module that provides settings to limit the number of values to display on fields with multiple values.

Fields, User Interface
31 Field Wrappers

Using the Field Wrappers module, site administrators will be able to choose HTML wrappers for fields.

Fields, Display
32 FitVids

This module uses the FitVids.js library for fluid width video embeds.

33 Fivestar

Enables fivestar ratings on content, users, etc.

Voting, Rating
34 Flexslider Paragraphs

Set up Paragraphs items to render in a Flexslider.

Flexslider, Paragraphs
35 Flippy

Flippy generates previous/next pagers for content types.

36 FullCalendar

FullCalendar jQuery plugin Views calendar display for Backdrop CMS

37 HTML5 upload

Batch-uploading (drag-and-drop multiple) of images/files in modern (HTML5 compliant) browsers

Files, Fields, HTML5
38 HybridAuth

Use the HybridAuth library to allow logins through various third party systems.

Authentication, social
39 Image Effects

The Image Effects module provides a suite of additional image effects that can be added to image styles.

40 Image Link Formatter
41 Image link to file

A formatter for image fields that creates a hyperlink from the image to a file field in the same entity.

Fields, Formatters, Images, User Interface
42 Image Resize Filter

Automatically resize images to their width and height dimensions in the Rich Text Editor.

WYSIWYG, Filters
43 imagesLoaded

A wrapper for the imagesLoaded library.

Images, JS Library, developer
44 ImgAreaSelect

A wrapper for the ImgAreaSelect library.

Wrapper Library
45 IP Geolocation Views & Maps

IP Geolocation Views & Maps for Backdrop CMS.

46 Jarallax - Just Another Parallax plugin

Smooth parallax scrolling effect for background images.

Parallax, User Interface
47 Jitsi Meet field

Easily add Jitsi Meet video conferences to Backdrop CMS.

Video, Jitsi
48 jQuery.RSS Block

Use jQuery.RSS in a block to pull an RSS feed onto your Backdrop layout.

49 jStorage

Backdrop CMS wrapper module for the jStorage library.

Wrapper library
50 Login Destination

The Login Destination module allows you to customize the destination that a user is redirected to after logging in, registering to the site, using a one-time login link or logging out.

