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1 Ubercart GoCardless Client

Ubercart / GoCardless payment gateway integration for Backdrop-CMS

ecommerce, Ubercart
2 UC Restrict Quantity

Add a basic quantity restriction to a product in your Ubercart store.

Ubercart, ecommerce
3 Ubercart Discounts

The Ubercart Discounts module allows the creation of discounts for products according to a variety of criteria based on the products, user roles, and more.

Commerce, Ubercart, ecommerce
4 CSV Export

Ubercart CSV export

Files, Ubercart, ecommerce
5 Ubercart: Who Bought What

Ubercart report of who bought specific products.

Ubercart, ecommerce
6 Ubercart Product as Attribute Option Commerce, Ubercart, ecommerce
7 Out of stock notification

Display an "out of stock" notification on items in your Backdrop/Ubercart shop.

Ubercart, ecommerce
8 Ubercart Price Per Role

An Ubercart module that allows Ubercart to charge different prices to different customers based on their roles.

Ubercart, Roles, ecommerce
9 Ubercart-CiviCRM Integration

Integration between Ubercart and CiviCRM.

CiviCRM, Ubercart, ecommerce
10 Ubercart

A flexible but easy-to-use e-commerce system for Backdrop.

ecommerce, Ubercart

Allows for multiple prices per volume of products in Ubercart.

12 Ubercart Feeds

Ubercart Feed Mappers

Commerce, ecommerce, Ubercart
13 Variable Price

Port of Drupal 7 Ubercart VarPrice module

Commerce, ecommerce, Ubercart