This display of Backdrop CMS projects focuses on some of the available status information. 

Count Forks Open Issues Open PRs Package Project Type Maintainer
1 login_protection 0 0 module
2 foundation_html_templates 0 0 module Biolithic
3 views_block_exposed_filter_block 0 0 theme Justin Keiser
4 panels 0 0 module Placeholder / Deprecated
5 uc_recurring 1 2 2 layout None
6 d3_sparkline 0 0 Placeholder / Deprecated
7 ctools 0 1 module Placeholder / Deprecated
8 uc_volume_pricing 0 2 2 layout Laryn Kragt Bakker
9 atomium 0 2 module Pol Dellaiera
10 oauth 1 8 2 module Graham Oliver
11 google_analytics 0 0 module Jen Lampton
12 doabarrelroll 1 2 2 layout Justin Keiser
13 s3fs 0 2 2 layout Justin Keiser
14 text_resize 0 2 2 layout Justin Keiser
15 A layout
16 read_time 1 2 2 layout None
17 h layout
18 bad_ip 0 0 module
19 email_confirm 0 2 2 layout Herb v/d Dool
20 imagestyleflush 0 0 module Placeholder / Deprecated
21 passwordless 0 2 2 layout Herb v/d Dool
22 express_layout 0 1 module
23 filebrowser_ajax 0 0 module Biolithic
24 github_labels 3 2 2 layout Robert J Lang
25 webform_stripe 0 0 module Laryn Kragt Bakker
26 menublockcache 0 0 module Jen Lampton
27 webprofiler 0 2 2 layout Joseph Flatt
28 paypal_smart 0 0 module Deprecated
29 imagezoom 0 2 2 layout None
30 site_alert 0 2 2 layout Justin Keiser
31 utlility_css 0 5 module Wes Ruvalcaba
32 rename_admin_paths 0 2 2 layout Indigoxela
33 hashcash 0 0 module kiamlaluno
34 s3fs_migrate 0 2 2 layout Justin Keiser
35 backdrop-vagrant 0 1 module Bryan Ollendyke
36 flexible_template_export 0 2 2 layout Docwilmot
37 uc_node_checkout 0 0 module
38 juiced_up_layouts 0 0 module Biolithic
39 bootstrap_icons 1 2 2 layout Robert J Lang
40 two_column_flexible 0 0 module Docwilmot
41 ldap 1 4 module Attila Vasa
42 bee 19 30 3 module Martin Price
43 views_calc_distinct 1 2 2 layout Argiepiano
44 aussie 0 2 2 layout Peter Anderson
45 emaillog 0 2 2 layout Argiepiano
46 module_template 5 0 module None
47 views_selective_filters 2 6 2 module Bob Christenson
48 bootswatch_collection 0 5 module None
49 fetch_and_paste 0 0 module
50 smsframework 1 2 module Docwilmot
51 layout_template 1 0 module None
52 codemirror 1 2 module Jerad Bitner
53 theme_template 1 0 module None
54 clone 0 0 theme Placeholder / Deprecated
55 login_security 0 0 module None
56 notification_bar 1 2 2 layout Laryn Kragt Bakker
57 date_basic 1 7 1 module Graham Oliver
58 test 0 0 module None
59 shib_auth 0 2 2 layout Indigoxela
60 elevation 0 0 module Placeholder / Deprecated
61 field_formatter_class 0 0 module Laryn Kragt Bakker
62 cas 0 2 2 layout Rick Bargerhuff
63 coder 0 0 module Placeholder / Deprecated
64 radix_layouts 3 5 1 module Arshad Chummun
65 message_blocks 0 0 layout None
66 analyzers 0 1 module Ralf Stamm
67 backdrop-drush-extension 18 30 6 module Geoff St. Pierre, Nate Lampton
68 huggingnft 0 0 module
69 b4_radix_full 0 1 module Biolithic
70 fontyourface 1 0 @font-your-face module Herb v/d Dool
71 aberdeen 0 2 theme Jen Lampton
72 abuseipdb_report 0 0 Spam control module Vladimir
73 access_unpublished 1 1 access module Martin Klíma
74 acl 1 1 Access control module None
75 active_tags 0 0 User interface module None
76 activity_calendar 1 2 Activity module Alan Mels
77 adaptive_image 2 5 1 module Biolithic
78 addanother 0 0 User interface module Jerome Danthinne
79 addtocal 0 2 module Graham Oliver
80 addressfield 4 10 3 Fields module Jen Lampton
81 adminimal 0 2 theme Docwilmot
82 admin_bar_views_grouping 1 1 Administration module
83 admin_menu_source 0 0 Administration module Steve Moorehouse
84 advanced_text_formatter 0 0 Fields module None
85 views_rss 0 1 Views module
86 aeon5 1 3 module Chris Herberte, Jen Lampton
87 afterlight_tribute 0 2 theme Biolithic
88 age_formatter 0 1 Fields module Jen Lampton
89 agenda 0 0 module Graham Oliver
90 aggregator 2 3 module Richard Eriksson
91 agreement 1 0 module
92 ajax_comments 1 3 module Laryn Kragt Bakker
93 ajax_facets 2 4 2 Search Toolkit module Justin Christoffersen, Jen Lampton
94 ajax_markup 1 0 Content authoring module Alan Mels
95 akismet 1 4 1 Spam control module Herb v/d Dool
96 alt_default 0 0 Fields module
97 hreflang 0 0 Multilingual module Said El fazni
98 altpager 0 0 module Gormartsen
99 amazon 0 0 Amazon module Docwilmot
100 amazon_store 0 0 Amazon module Docwilmot
