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Implements Single Sign On (SSO) LDAP Authentication.

2 Big Blue Button

This module implements the BigBlueButton API

3 Role watchdog

Role watchdog automatically logs all role changes in its own table.


The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) project provides integration with LDAP.

Authentication, Third Party Integrations
5 PHPExcel

The PHPExcel module allows developers to export/import data to/from real Excel files.

6 Navbar

A mobile friendly navigation toolbar containing top-level administrative components.

7 Simple LDAP

The Simple LDAP is a set of modules to provide Backdrop CMS integration with an LDAPv3 server.

8 Menu Export/Import

This module helps to export and/or import menus.

9 Menu Node API

Manages relationships between node ids and menu items.

10 X Autoload

xautoload is a comprehensive and yet highly efficient PHP class loading suite.

11 Unique Field

This module performs additional validation: prevent multiple nodes.

12 Forum Access

This module changes your forum administration page to allow you to set forums private.

13 Menu Editor

Improved interface for menu editing.

14 Menu Node Views

The Menu Node Views module provides Views integration for nodes assigned to the menu system.

15 Publication Date

The Publication Date module adds a "Published on" date for each node, containing the date when it was first published.

Content, Editors, User Interface