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1 Tugboat

Integrates with to allow creating on-the-fly preview sites.

Infrastructure, Developer Tools

Changes file URLs so that CSS, JS, images, fonts, videos, etc are downloaded from a CDN.

Infrastructure, Developer Tools, Performance
3 Ban IP

Block site vistors by IP address

Security, Infrastructure, Access, Spam control

Bee is a command line utility for Backdrop CMS. It includes commands that allow developers to interact with Backdrop sites.

Developer Tools, Infrastructure, Utility
5 Bot repellent

Add the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header to Backdrop for global bot crawling rules.

Security, Access, Infrastructure
6 Elysia Cron

Port from Drupal 7

developer, Infrastructure, Utility
7 Stage File Proxy

Proxies files from production Backdrop CMS site so you don't have to transfer them manually.

Developer Tools, Infrastructure
8 Project

Projects associate a code-based project with releases and power the update server of

9 Cloudflare

CloudFlare is a FREE reverse proxy, firewall, and global content delivery network and can be implemented without installing any server software or hardware.

developer, Infrastructure, Third Party Integrations