View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
1 User Merge developer, users
2 Luxon

A Backdrop module that provides the Luxon Javascript library for working with dates and times.

Dates, developer
3 Schema

Backdrop CMS utility module to compare or generate database schemes

Database, developer
4 Module filter

Filter the modules list

Administration, developer, Filters
5 Pack and Upload

Backdrop port of Pack & Upload module for Drupal 7

developer, Files
6 CiviCRM Cron

Use Backdrop's cron to call CiviCRM's cron.

CiviCRM, developer, Cron
7 imagesLoaded

A wrapper for the imagesLoaded library.

Images, JS Library, developer
8 Devel

Provides helper functions for Backdrop developers.

developer, Developer Tools
9 Elysia Cron

Port from Drupal 7

developer, Infrastructure, Utility
10 Services

A standardized solution for building API's so that external clients can communicate with Backdrop.

API, Data Migration, developer, Developer Tools
11 GitHub API

GitHub API integration module

API, developer, Third Party Integrations
12 Cloudflare

CloudFlare is a FREE reverse proxy, firewall, and global content delivery network and can be implemented without installing any server software or hardware.

developer, Infrastructure, Third Party Integrations
13 Sample Animal Content developer, Testing
14 Viewport Appearance, developer, Theme Enhancements
15 Pseudo Field

This module allows you to render an extra field like a real field with an optional label.

16 CSS Editor

CSS Editor

developer, Theme Enhancements
17 Drupal to Backdrop Migrate (D2B) Data Migration, developer, Utility
18 Devel Subthemer

Creates a subtheme from a given base theme.
