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1 Layout Custom Theme

Enables admins to select a custom theme to be used for any non-default layout on a Backdrop CMS website.

layouts, theme
2 Enhanced Number Display Options

Enhanced Number Display Options

3 Barcodes

The Barcodes module provides a field formatter to display various field types as rendered Barcodes


All available Bootswatch themes, implemented as Bootstrap Lite subthemes

Appearance, Theme Enhancements
5 CKEditor Skins

Additonal CKEditor skins for Backdrop CMS

Appearance, CKEditor
6 Snazzy

Theme for Backdrop CMS

7 Views Flipped Table

This module provides a views table style with the rows and columns flipped.

Views, Appearance, Data, Structure
8 Role Theme Switcher

Assign different themes to roles on your site

Roles, Theme Enhancements, Appearance, Utility
9 Display Suite

Display Suite gives you full control over the way content is displayed without having to maintain dozens of PHP template files.

Appearance, Content, layout, Structure
10 Shasetsu

A magazine-like Backdrop theme

11 Term Body Class

Allows to add taxonomy term classes to the body of content and user pages.

Taxonomy, Appearance, CSS
12 Color Variables

A theme that demonstrates how to use CSS variables to provide simple color support.

CSS, Appearance

Provides an autocomplete on CSS class fields for utility-classes

Appearance, CSS, Theme Enhancements, Utility
14 Image formatter link to image style

This module provides an additional formatter for image core field, to link to an image style.

Images, Fields, Appearance
15 Configurable Block Style

Ability to style blocks through UI.

Appearance, blocks, User Interface
16 Better Search Block

Tweak the default Backdrop search block with CSS animations

Appearance, blocks, Search, Theme Enhancements
17 Mosaic Grid

Provides Views style plugin to build galleries with a justified responsive grid layout.

Appearance, Photo Display
18 Hero layout

Versions of core layouts with container classes inside the wrapper, and with a full-width hero region

Appearance, layout, Structure
19 Masonry API

Provides an API for integrating the jQuery Masonry plugin with Backdrop.

API, Appearance
20 Teamwork 15

Teamwork_15 is a straight-forward starter theme for non-profits/organizations but not currently supported for BD 1.4+

21 Content Theme

Allows to use different themes than the site default on content creating, editing, and viewing pages.

Appearance, Theme Enhancements
22 Font Awesome

Include Font Awesome Icons via CSS classes in your Backdrop CMS website

Appearance, Third Party Integrations
23 Flickr

Media management for Backdrop CMS. Port of Tested and fully functional.

Appearance, blocks, Photo Display, Photos, Third Party Integrations
24 Style guide

The styleguide module demonstrates all common Backdrop elements on a single page.

Appearance, Front End Developer Tools, Theme Enhancements
25 Bootstrap 5 Lite Appearance
26 Views Photo Grid

Backdrop port of Views Photo Grid module for Drupal 7.

Appearance, Images, Photo Display, Theme Enhancements, Views
27 Typogrify

Brings the typographic refinements of Typogrify to Backdrop CMS

Appearance, Editors
28 Viewport Appearance, developer, Theme Enhancements