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1 Menu Pager

Add blocks for each menu to display previous/next or child links based on the current page

2 Configurable Block Style

Ability to style blocks through UI.

Appearance, blocks, User Interface
3 Better Search Block

Tweak the default Backdrop search block with CSS animations

Appearance, blocks, Search, Theme Enhancements
4 Dashboard Plus

Some additional blocks for the administrative dashboard on Backdrop CMS

Dashboard, blocks, Editors, Administration
5 Facebook Page Plugin

Integrates Facebook's Page Plugin as a configurable block.

6 Block Reference

Defines a field type Block Reference which allows a block to be displayed as the content of the field.

Fields, blocks
7 Fanciblock

Fanciblock module can be used to create image and icon feature boxes.

blocks, layout, Structure
8 Block Scheduler

Adds a Datetime Visibility Condition to Backdrop.

blocks, Dates
9 Copy Blocks

Add blocks to your layout which are actually copies of other blocks or entire regions.

10 Blockify

Exposes a number of core Backdrop elements like the site name, site slogan and page title as blocks:

11 Flickr

Media management for Backdrop CMS. Port of Tested and fully functional.

Appearance, blocks, Photo Display, Photos, Third Party Integrations
12 Mini layouts

Provide blocks which allow positioning content within them in layouts.

blocks, layout, Structure
13 CKEditor Blocks

Enables Backdrop blocks to be embedded into text areas using the rich text editor.

blocks, CKEditor
14 Conditional Content Block

A module that let's you provide different content options for different roles.

blocks, Permissions