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1 Barcodes

The Barcodes module provides a field formatter to display various field types as rendered Barcodes

2 Client Side Date Field Formatter

Client side (browser) date field rendering with correct timezone and format per locale

3 FAQ Field

This module provides a field for frequently asked questions.

4 Field Visibility Condition

Allows admins to control access by entity field value

Access, Fields
5 Grid Field Formatter

Grid Field Formatter provides a solution to showing multi-value fields in a grid when displaying the node.

Fields, Formatters
6 Background Images Formatter

Backdrop CMS field formatter for background images

7 Jitsi Meet field

Easily add Jitsi Meet video conferences to Backdrop CMS.

Video, Jitsi
8 Weight

This module provides a weight field that can be added to any fieldable entity.

9 Serial

Provides an auto-increment (serial) field

10 HMS Field

HMS Field displays an integer formatted as Hours, Minutes or Seconds

11 Editable Fields

Allows you to make some fields editable from the display.

Fields, User Interface
12 Maxlength

Maxlength allows you to set maximum length of any field on any form making use of the form API. This includes fields created using the UI.

Fields, User Interface
13 Preferred Text Format

Allows setting a preferred text format per text field.

14 Image formatter link to image style

This module provides an additional formatter for image core field, to link to an image style.

Images, Fields, Appearance
15 Range

Provides a numeric range field

Fields, Calculation, Formatters, Content
16 Prepopulate

Allows fields in most forms to be pre-populated from the $_REQUEST variable.

Fields, UX
17 Paragraphs Mapper

Allows Feeds to import content to Paragraphs' fields.

Paragraphs, Fields
18 CiviCRM Fields

Add fields that allow insertion of CiviCRM Contribution or Event Registration pages into Backdrop.

CiviCRM, Fields
19 Jarallax - Just Another Parallax plugin

Smooth parallax scrolling effect for background images.

Parallax, User Interface
20 Field HTML Trim

Trims HTML-enabled text to a set length without counting HTML tags.

CKEditor, Content, Editors, Fields
21 Iframe

Backdrop module providing an iframe field

22 Paragraphs

Paragraphs module to control your content flow

Paragraphs, Fields, field
23 Field Wrappers

Using the Field Wrappers module, site administrators will be able to choose HTML wrappers for fields.

Fields, Display
24 Conditional Fields

Define dependencies between fields based on their states and values.

25 Block Reference

Defines a field type Block Reference which allows a block to be displayed as the content of the field.

Fields, blocks
26 Simplify

Hide particular fields from the user interface.

27 Video Embed Field

Video Embed field creates a simple field type called Video Embed that allows you to embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo or show their thumbnail previews simply by entering the video's url.

Video, Fields
28 YouTube Field

Easily embed YouTube videos in your Backdrop CMS website

Video, Fields, Media
29 Computed Field Calculation, Fields
30 Field Multiple Limit

This is a simple module that provides settings to limit the number of values to display on fields with multiple values.

Fields, User Interface
31 Title

Replaces entity legacy fields with regular fields.

32 Text Formatter

This module provides an additional formatter to render values in all core fields as HTML or comma-separated lists.

Fields, Display
33 Multifield

A true compound field solution for Backdrop CMS.

Fields, User Interface, Editors
34 Select (or other)

Provides a new Forms API element which is a select/radios/checkboxes element that has an 'other' option.

Fields, User Interface
35 Select and Other

A list field widget that also provides a write-in text box when Other is selected from the list.

36 Better Formats

Allows per-role permissions and restrictions to text formats

37 HTML5 upload

Batch-uploading (drag-and-drop multiple) of images/files in modern (HTML5 compliant) browsers

Files, Fields, HTML5
38 Geocoder

An API and widget to geocode various known data into other GIS data types.

Mapping, Geo, Fields
39 Geofield

Stores geographic and location data (points, lines, and polygons).

Fields, Mapping
40 Automatic node titles

A port of the Automatic Node Title Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

CKEditor, Fields, Workflow
41 Text Summary Options

This module provides site builders with additional options for the 'summary' field when using "Text Area with a Summary" widget.

42 Gallery Tiler

Field formatter that ships with fancy gallery styles for image fields.

43 Resource Timeslots

Provides a field type to reserve timeslots for configurable resources using a Fullcalendar calendar widget

44 Repeating Dates

Repeating (recurring) dates based on ICAL rules, with an easier user interface

45 Markup

Port of the Drupal 7 Markup Module

Fields, User Interface
46 Image link to file

A formatter for image fields that creates a hyperlink from the image to a file field in the same entity.

Fields, Formatters, Images, User Interface
47 User picture field

Add an image field to user accounts and show it on the user registration form.

Fields, registration, user accounts, users
48 Field default token

Use token values as default values for fields

49 Reference to EntityReference Field Migration

Migrate References module fields (node and user references) to Entity Reference fields.

Entity, Fields