View result counter Edit link Namesort descending Description Community Tags Community Notes

Correctly calculates totals for views with Distinct option.


Sends log entries via email.

Email, Logging
3 Basic Entity Plus Example

An example of a custom entity with Entity Plus and Entity UI

4 Entity Plus

This module wraps in a variety of additional entity-related functionality from various sources. Partial port of D7 Entity API.

5 Entity Plus CMI

API to store configuration entities as config files.

6 Entity reference prepopulate

Allow prepopulating any Entity reference field via URL

Entity reference, Entity
7 Entity Tokens

Provides token replacements for all properties that have no tokens and are known to the entity API.

Entity, Tokens
8 Entity UI

Port to Backdrop of the UI functionality of Drupal's Entity API

9 Feeds entity processor

Create feeds importers to feed any core or custom entity.

Data Migration, Feeds, Developer Tools NOTE: This project doesn't yet have a release, as it's being blocked by issue 108 in Feeds.
10 HMS Field

HMS Field displays an integer formatted as Hours, Minutes or Seconds

11 Organic groups

The Organic Groups module provides users the ability to create, manage, and delete 'groups' on a site.

Access, Content, users, Workflow
12 Organic groups subgroups

Build Organic Groups hierarchies (or trees) by nesting groups under other groups

Permissions, Groups
13 PHPWord Wrapper

A wrapper around the PHPWord library.

14 Rules

Porting the Rules project to Backdrop.

15 Token embed views

This module allows embedding views by using tokens.

Views, Tokens
16 Ubercart

A flexible but easy-to-use e-commerce system for Backdrop.

ecommerce, Ubercart
17 Views Aggregator Plus

Aggregates views results after performing database query

18 Views Bulk Operations

Augments Views by allowing bulk operations (provided by Backdrop's core, this module, Rules, or custom actions) to be executed on the displayed rows.

19 Weight

This module provides a weight field that can be added to any fieldable entity.
