View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
1 Tracking Code

A module that allows admins to create tracking code snippets and control their visibility.

2 GSAP ScrollTrigger

Backdrop implementation of the GreenSock's ScrollTrigger Javascript API Library

3 Views fieldsets

Creates fieldset (and details and div) in Views fields output, to group fields.

4 Key

Key provides the ability to improve Backdrop security by managing sensitive keys (such as API and encryption keys).

5 Views Secondary Row

Backdrop cms module to split a views table row into two rows

6 CKEditor 5 Inspector

CKEditor 5 development helper tool

7 Entity Reference Autocomplete

Port of entityreference_autocomplete drupal 7 module to backdrop 1

8 Revisioning
9 TinyMCE IMCE plugin

A TinyMCE plugin using IMCE to insert images

10 Metatag

Extends Backdrop's Metatag module to display structured data as JSON LD in the head of web pages.

11 TinyMCE paragraph after

Editor plugin for TinyMCE to insert paragraphs after block elements

12 Field Collection Feeds

Provides Feeds integration for the Field Collection module.

13 TinyMCE snippets plugin

TinyMCE plugin to insert predefined HTML snippets

14 TinyMCE video filter plugin

Provides a TinyMCE plugin to insert tokens for Video Filter

15 Halloween Lights

A module that adds a string of pumpkin lights to the top of your website. The Jack-o'-lanterns randomly glow as if lit by a candle.

16 Webform submission to node

Create a node from a webform submission


This module verifies the users accessing a site using the IP Intelligence service and does not allow them to create an account if the service reports the IP to be a proxy, a VPN, or a bad IP.

18 Multiple Fields Remove Button

Adds a remove button to fields with unlimited values.

19 Views Ticker

Backdrop cms module to provide new styles for Views module to display news tickers


Information about Webform Stripe for Backdrop.

21 Quicktabs

Create a block of tabbed content based on existing content, views, blocks or quicktabs.

22 Ticker Tape

A smooth horizontal news like ticker tape also called a scrolling marquee using CSS transform on infinite loop

23 Layout Custom Theme

Enables admins to select a custom theme to be used for any non-default layout on a Backdrop CMS website.

layouts, theme
24 File Menu Items

Supports creating menu links that are files (like PDFs).


Uses the Hashcash proof-of-work system to avoid some forms are submitted too quickly.


Fetch a field from a node or entity, and paste its contents into the current form field.

27 Recipe

Allows sharing cooking recipes.

28 Other View Filter

Filter views in Backdrop CMS using the results of another view.

29 Upgrade Status
30 HTML Custom Text Views Field

Provides a global Custom Text Views field that allows HTML tags specified through the configuration UI.

31 Content Moderation

Arbitrary moderation states and unpublished drafts for content.

32 Enhanced Number Display Options

Enhanced Number Display Options

33 Link iframe formatter

Defines a formatter that renders a link like an iframe

34 BackdropAuth for SimpleSAMLphp

Turns Backdrop site into SAML IdP ( Identity Provider)

35 Rules Block/Unblock User

Rules events and some default rules, for when a user account is blocked or unblocked.

36 CKEditor 5

CKEditor5 rich text editor for Backdrop CMS. In development and not ready for use.

37 Feeds Node Helper

Provides some useful importers for feeds: books, UUIDs and so on.

38 Gist Input Filter

Adds a filter to embed Gists from GitHub anywhere in the text on your Backdrop CMS site.

Gist, GitHub, Filters
39 Entityforms

Provides fieldable entity forms

40 Blog

Use for multi-user blogs. Every user gets a personal blog.

41 Plugin Manager

Provides API to make it easy for modules to implement plugins.

42 Core Issues Helper

Module to help with testing core issues

43 Encrypt

This module is an API that other modules can use to encrypt data.

44 Field encrypt

Provides a way to encrypt field values when stored in the database.

45 Empty Fields

Provides a way to show empty fields that would otherwise be hidden.

46 Masked Input

This module allows a user to more easily enter fixed width input where you would like them to enter the data in a certain format (dates, phone numbers, etc).

47 Time Field

Provides a field to store time.

48 Views between dates filter

This Views filter provides the between date functionality you are looking for: display all content (comparing start and end dates) occurring on a specified date.

49 Frequently Asked Questions
50 Enforce Revision Logs

Enforce revisions and/or revision logs for content types on your Backdrop CMS website

Revisions, Log
