View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
51 Content locking (edit lock)

This module locks the content during edition to prevent concurrent editions on your Backdrop CMS site

52 Comments Bulk Actions

Backdrop module to add bulk actions to open and close comments on nodes.

53 TFA Rules

Adds a Rules condition to check to see if TFA has been enabled for a user.

54 Catalan Countries

Backdrop cms module to add Catalan Countries to the list of countries of Backdrop.

55 Agreement

Allows the administrator to present a text-based agreement that users must accept before they are allowed to access the site.

56 TinyMCE Editor

Integration for the TinyMCE editor in Backdrop

57 Enacast

Backdrop cms module to connect to Encast podcast service.

58 Webform multiple file

Module Webform Multiple File provides new components for Webform, that allow to use multiple file uploading.

59 Payment Method Adjustments

Ubercart module to associate a fee or discount with a payment method at checkout.

60 Book Menus

Allows a user to manage book navigation via the normal Backdrop admin menu interface.

Book, Menus

Provides support for legacy approach to layouts used by Express install profile.

62 Block Title Link

Allows block titles to be linked.

63 Quote

This module adds a 'quote' link below nodes and comments. When clicked, the contents of the node or comment are placed into a new comment form.

64 Comment alter

Makes it possible to alter (change values of) fields on a node when leaving a comment.

65 Resource Conflict

Allows for users to detect overlapping dates in nodes, and respond with Rule.

66 Happy New Year

A module with garland and snow decoration that creates longlasting atmosphere of New Year and Merry Christmas for you and the users of your website.

67 CiviCRM Afform Block

Allow CiviCRM native forms from the Form Builder extension to be placed on the front-end of your Backdrop site using blocks.

69 GraphicsMagick

Provides an image tooklit that uses the GraphicsMagick library through the Gmagick PHP extension.

70 Admininstration Bar Views Grouping

Group Views in the admin bar according to their tags.

71 Enabled Modules Report Recipe

Add a views report of all enabled modules to the admin menu

72 CiviCRM Table Prefixes

When CiviCRM has its own db, this module creates prefixes in Backdrop for the CiviCRM tables.

73 Bootstrap Blocks
74 Search API Block

Provides a search form block in order to show a search input for Search API anywhere on your site.

75 Field Extra Widgets

Provides two helper widgets for the Field API: Hidden and Read-only.

76 Read More Extra Field
77 Simplenews Content Selection

Create Simplenews newsletters by selecting pre-existing content.

78 Ubercart Attribute Views

Provides additional Views fields for Ubercart Attributes


Generate NFT or train new model in just few clicks! Train as much as you can, others will resume from checkpoint!

80 Webform Toggle Status

Creates a menu path and Views handler to support toggling the status of a webform between open and closed.

81 Header Menu Block
82 Alt/Title Default

Set default values for alt/title fields on images.

83 Inline Form Errors

Adds inline form errors in Backdrop.

84 Advanced Views RSS Feed

Protects the login form and makes harder to log in using an account created by another person

86 Similar By Terms
87 Ubercart Zip2Tax

Backdrop CMS module for Ubercart for implementing location-based sales tax using the Zip2Tax service.

88 Hide submit button
89 CKEditor CodeMirror
90 jQuery Update

jQuery Update upgrades Backdrop's stable version of jQuery in order to support the most current jQuery version available.

91 Turnstile

Uses the Turnstile web service as an alternative to CAPTCHA to protect forms.

92 Features

A module to allow packaging of content and configuration as modules in an easy to use way.

93 Plural formula configurator

Sets sensible defaults for plural language forms when adding languages and lets you edit the plural formula for all languages on the web interface

94 Multi Location Map Recipe
95 Localization server

Provides a generic translation database backend with a community localization user interface, which allows people to collaborate on translating projects to different languages.

96 Url Publish and Unpublish

Publish and Unpublish nodes through URL parameters

Publish, Views, Unpublish
97 Field Readonly

Field Readonly displays non-accessible fields in edit forms as read-only items.

98 Mastodon Toot

Share your posts on a Mastodon instance.

99 Views translation
100 Nodeaccess

Granular control over node access for Backdrop CMS for roles and individual users.
