View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
351 Matomo Analytics

Adds the tracking code for Matomo Analytics to your site.

352 Real-time SEO for Backdrop
353 Views Field View
354 User Import

Import users to Backdrop from a CSV

user accounts, Import
355 ZURB: TwentyTwenty

Highlight the differences between two images with this ZURB TwentyTwenty field formatter for Backdrop.

356 Vimeo Link Formatter

Vimeo Link Formatter module exposes a formatter for Link module fields to render values as an embedded video player.

Formatters, Video
357 OneAll Social Login, Interface

Backdrop module that allows your users to register and login to your Backcdrop website with their existing social network account (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google ...).

358 PhotoSwipe

Photoswipe jQuery-based lightbox photo gallery.

jQuery, Gallery / Slideshow, Photo Display
359 Views dependent filters
360 Field Validation

Specify validation rules for your field instances.

361 Autocomplete Widgets

Provides autocomplete widgets for fields of type Text and Number.

362 Search API

Provides a generic API for modules offering search capabilities

363 CDN

Changes file URLs so that CSS, JS, images, fonts, videos, etc are downloaded from a CDN.

Infrastructure, Developer Tools, Performance
364 Ban IP

Block site vistors by IP address

Security, Infrastructure, Access, Spam control
365 Quicklink

Attempts to make navigations to subsequent pages load faster.

366 Better Search Block

Tweak the default Backdrop search block with CSS animations

Appearance, blocks, Search, Theme Enhancements
367 Database search

Provides a database based implementation of the Search API

368 Facet API

An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backends.

369 Views Accordion

Views Accordion provides a "jQuery UI Accordion" display style plugin for the Views module.

370 Menu Export/Import

This module helps to export and/or import menus.

371 Content Type Clone

Allow cloning a content type (including fields).

Content Types, Duplication
372 Simple hierarchical select

Defines a new form widget for taxonomy fields to select a term by "browsing" through the vocabulary hierarchy, also available in node forms and as Views exposed filter.

373 Feeds JSONPath Parser

Feeds JSONPath Parser

374 Views iCal export

Backdrop CMS module to export iCal feeds using views

375 Navbar

A mobile friendly navigation toolbar containing top-level administrative components.

376 Paragraphs Mapper

Allows Feeds to import content to Paragraphs' fields.

Paragraphs, Fields
377 Backdrop upgrade status

Checks to see if the installed modules on a Drupal 7 site are ready for upgrade to Backdrop CMS.

378 Commerce ecommerce
379 Menu Editor

Improved interface for menu editing.

380 Image Link Formatter

The very base theme


This is a mirror of

This is not the main Google Analytics project. What is this?
383 X Autoload

xautoload is a comprehensive and yet highly efficient PHP class loading suite.

384 Semantic Views

Makes unformatted styles, field row styles and other output more readily configurable without needing to override template files

385 Menu Node Views

The Menu Node Views module provides Views integration for nodes assigned to the menu system.

386 Menu Node API

Manages relationships between node ids and menu items.

387 CiviCRM Blocks

Insert a CiviCRM Contribution page into a Backdrop Layout via a block.

CiviCRM, Blocks
388 Mosaic Grid

Provides Views style plugin to build galleries with a justified responsive grid layout.

Appearance, Photo Display
389 Corresponding Node References

Syncs the node reference between two content types which have a node reference to each other.

390 Unique Field

This module performs additional validation: prevent multiple nodes.

391 Views JSON

A Views handler that returns data as JSON objects.

392 PHPExcel

The PHPExcel module allows developers to export/import data to/from real Excel files.

393 Dashboard Plus

Some additional blocks for the administrative dashboard on Backdrop CMS

Dashboard, blocks, Editors, Administration
394 Two-factor Authentication (TFA)

Second-factor authentication for Backdrop sites.

395 TFA Basic Plugins

Provide basic functionality for TFA Backdrop module.

396 CiviCRM Fields

Add fields that allow insertion of CiviCRM Contribution or Event Registration pages into Backdrop.

CiviCRM, Fields
397 Simple LDAP

The Simple LDAP is a set of modules to provide Backdrop CMS integration with an LDAPv3 server.

398 Block Background Color

Block Background Module will help to set a custom background color to the blocks. The user can choose the color using a color picker field for each block in the block configuration page.

399 Configurable Block Style

Ability to style blocks through UI.

Appearance, blocks, User Interface
400 Date Multiselect

Enables jquery multiselect calendars.
