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1 Tracking Code

A module that allows admins to create tracking code snippets and control their visibility.

2 Welcome Recipe

The welcome module provides a new site owner with some additional content and configuration to help them get started.

3 User Guide Recipe

Enables the book module and generates some content to get you started with a customizable user guide for your site.

4 Card Recipe Recipe
5 Pack and Upload

Backdrop port of Pack & Upload module for Drupal 7

developer, Files
6 Grid Field Formatter

Grid Field Formatter provides a solution to showing multi-value fields in a grid when displaying the node.

Fields, Formatters
7 Opera

A flexible theme designed to create a stack of blocks on front page with full width background colors.

8 Backdrop Events

A distribution for event sites using Backdrop CMS

9 Pretty Calendar

Simple calendar solution for Backdrop.

Calendar, Dates
10 Bamboo

Simple layout with a fixed sidebar.

11 Config Batch Upload

For uploading a batch of config files at once

12 Config Recipes

An experimental library of config files that can be used to import features to Backdrop CMS sites

Deprecated We have moved on to a different way of making recipes. This project is out of date.
13 Boilerplate

Based on the excellent HTML5 Boilerplate template, this theme was built to be a lean responsive design base theme with heavy SASS support. Inspired by the Basic, Boron, Zen, Panopoly, and Sassy themes.

14 Configurable Block Style

Ability to style blocks through UI.

Appearance, blocks, User Interface
15 Dashboard Plus

Some additional blocks for the administrative dashboard on Backdrop CMS

Dashboard, blocks, Editors, Administration
16 Block Background Color

Block Background Module will help to set a custom background color to the blocks. The user can choose the color using a color picker field for each block in the block configuration page.

17 Forum Access

This module changes your forum administration page to allow you to set forums private.

18 Tatsu

A basic flexible theme inspired by Basis theme in Backdrop CMS Core

19 Fanciblock

Fanciblock module can be used to create image and icon feature boxes.

blocks, layout, Structure
20 Teamwork 15

Teamwork_15 is a straight-forward starter theme for non-profits/organizations but not currently supported for BD 1.4+

21 Bootstrap Lite

Bootstrap Lite - a Backdrop Bootstrap-based theme.

22 Views Bootstrap

This module provides a set of styles for the Views module. It allows you to create responsive Bootstrap 3.x components, such as grids, carousels, tabs, and tables, all within the configuration settings of the powerful Views module.

23 Markup

Port of the Drupal 7 Markup Module

Fields, User Interface
24 CKEditor Blocks

Enables Backdrop blocks to be embedded into text areas using the rich text editor.

blocks, CKEditor
25 Variable Price

Port of Drupal 7 Ubercart VarPrice module

Commerce, ecommerce, Ubercart
26 FAQ Recipe

A simple config recipe for a Frequently Asked Questions feature

27 Testimonial Recipe

A simple config recipe to add a testimonials feature to your site.

28 Conditional Content Block

A module that let's you provide different content options for different roles.

blocks, Permissions
29 DownloadFile
30 PHP filter No plans to put this on because of security risk. However, there are interesting use cases for this module.
31 Sample Animal Content developer, Testing
32 Ubercart Feeds

Ubercart Feed Mappers

Commerce, ecommerce, Ubercart