View result counter Edit link Namesort descending Description Community Tags Community Notes
601 PHPMailer

SMTP support for Backdrop CMS with PHPMailer

602 PHPWord Wrapper

A wrapper around the PHPWord library.

603 Picture

Map breakpoints and image styles.

604 Pirate Filter

On International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th), this filter changes all appropriate English phrases and words into pirate-speak.

605 Plugin Manager

Provides API to make it easy for modules to implement plugins.

606 Plupload integration module

Integrates the Plupload library with Backdrop forms.

607 Plural formula configurator

Sets sensible defaults for plural language forms when adding languages and lets you edit the plural formula for all languages on the web interface

608 Poll

Allows your site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple choice questions.

609 Popular Tags

Displays popular taxonomy terms under term reference fields.

610 Porter Stemmer

The Porter stemming algorithm improves English-language searching with the Search module.

611 Preferred Text Format

Allows setting a preferred text format per text field.

612 Prepopulate

Allows fields in most forms to be pre-populated from the $_REQUEST variable.

Fields, UX
613 Preset API

An API that provides a user interface for managing configuration presets.

614 Pretty Calendar

Simple calendar solution for Backdrop.

Calendar, Dates
615 Previous login

Display a timestamp of the previous login after users authenticate to Backdrop.

Authentication, Security, user accounts
616 Print using mPDF

Converts a node to PDF using the mPDF PHP Library.

617 Printer-friendly pages

Generate printer-friendly, PDF, EPub, and/or email versions of site content.

Files, PDF
618 Prism

Port of Drupal prism module

619 Private files download permission

Provides a simple permission to allow downloading of private files per directory with by-user and by-role filters.

620 Private messages

Privatemsg allows your site's visitors to send private messages to each other.

621 Production check

Check a site to see if it's properly setup for production use.

622 Profile

Supports configurable user profiles. Port of Drupal Profile2.

profile, user accounts
623 Profile Picture Plus

Port from a drupal 7 sandbox

Photo Display, profile, user accounts, users
624 Profile Registration Path

This module enables administrators to set unique registration paths per Profile profile type.

profile, registration, Path Management
625 Profile Switcher

Used to switch between install profiles found in the /core/profile directory. This module is useful for moving an existing site to distribution

626 Project

Projects associate a code-based project with releases and power the update server of

627 Project Browser

Merged into core in 1.4.0. See below.

628 Project Browser Server

Provides API for Project Browser module.

629 Protected Forms

Protected Forms is a light-weight, non-intrusive spam protection module that enables rejection of all non-admin form submissions which contain undesired language scripts or preset patterns.

630 Protected Pages

Password protect any individual page

631 Pseudo Field

This module allows you to render an extra field like a real field with an optional label.

632 Publication Date

The Publication Date module adds a "Published on" date for each node, containing the date when it was first published.

Content, Editors, User Interface
633 Publish Content

Allows users to publish and unpublish nodes on a per node type basis or for all node types without granting users the very broad "administer nodes" permission.

Nodes, Permissions
634 PWA

Provides basic components to progressively enhance your website with offline functionality.

635 Quicklink

Attempts to make navigations to subsequent pages load faster.

636 Quicktabs

Create a block of tabbed content based on existing content, views, blocks or quicktabs.

637 Quote

This module adds a 'quote' link below nodes and comments. When clicked, the contents of the node or comment are placed into a new comment form.

638 Rabbit Hole

Adds the ability to control what should happen when content is being viewed on its own page.

At least parts of this module are now included in core. We recommend that you check to see if core provides what you need before using this module.
639 Radix

A responsive base theme with Bootstrap and Sass for Backdrop CMS.

640 Random Frontpage
641 Range

Provides a numeric range field

Fields, Calculation, Formatters, Content
642 Rate

This module provides flexible voting widgets for nodes and comments.

643 Reactify

Easily use React in Backdrop CMS.

644 Read More Extra Field
645 Real Name

Port of Drupal 7 Real Name module to Backdrop

Administration, User Management
646 Real-time SEO for Backdrop

A Backdrop CMS port of, uses the reCAPTCHA webservice to improve CAPTCHAs on forms.

648 Recipe

Allows sharing cooking recipes.

649 Recipes

Recipes are collections of configuration files to make our lives easier :)

650 Redirect

Redirects paths from one URL to another. Automatically creates redirects for changed aliases.
