View result counter Edit link Namesort descending Description Community Tags Community Notes
501 Matomo Reports

This makes some of the Matomo Analytics reports available in your site.

502 Maxlength

Maxlength allows you to set maximum length of any field on any form making use of the form API. This includes fields created using the UI.

Fields, User Interface
503 Me Aliases

Provides shortcut paths to the current user's pages, where the word "me" (or some other word) stands in for the user ID. Examples: user/me, user/me/edit, etc.

504 Media Element

Applies jQuery script mediaelement.js to media files.

505 Member for hack

Change the time span shown as the "Member for" on Backdrop user profiles.

506 Membership Entity

Backdrop contrib module for creation and management of membership entities. Ported from Drupal July 2021.

507 Mentions

Adds Twitter like @username linking and tracking features.

508 Menu Admin per Menu

Provides menu administration permissions for each individual menu.

509 Menu Attach Block

Menu Attach Block allows you to embed blocks in menu items.

510 Menu attributes

Add custom HTML attributes to menu links and the wrapper list items around them.

511 Menu Editor

Improved interface for menu editing.

512 Menu Expanded

A port of the Menu Expanded Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

513 Menu Export/Import

This module helps to export and/or import menus.

514 Menu Firstchild
515 Menu item visibility

Backdrop module to expose configurable and extendable visibility settings for menu links.

Menus, Roles
516 Menu Link Weight

Backdrop CMS module to re-order menu items within the node form

517 Menu Node API

Manages relationships between node ids and menu items.

518 Menu Node Views

The Menu Node Views module provides Views integration for nodes assigned to the menu system.

519 Menu Pager

Add blocks for each menu to display previous/next or child links based on the current page

520 Menu Per Role Access, Menus, Permissions, Roles
521 Menu position

This module allows for the creation of rules that will dynamically add the current page into the menu system at the requested spots.

522 Menu Trail By Path

Sets the active-trail on menu items according to the current URL.

523 Menu Views

Allows menu items to render views instead of links.

Menus, Views
524 menuimage

Add an image to a menu item - unfinished port.

Needs work... (according to README file)
525 Metatag

Add structured metadata, aka "meta tags", for various pages on your site.

526 Metis

Backdrop port of Metis module for Drupal

527 Migrate

A port of the Migrate module from Drupal 7:

528 Mime Mail

Mime Mail provides functions for other modules to use to send HTML mail.

529 Mini layouts

Provide blocks which allow positioning content within them in layouts.

blocks, layout, Structure
530 Minify

A tool to minify HTML and JavaScript files, and use them instead of the larger versions.

531 Mobile Detect

Backdrop CMS wrapper module for the Mobile Detect library.

532 Mobile Navigation

Turning on this module creates a configurable mobile navigation menu for your theme/site via Javascript

Mobile, Navigation, Menus
533 Module filter

Filter the modules list

Administration, developer, Filters
534 Mosaic Grid

Provides Views style plugin to build galleries with a justified responsive grid layout.

Appearance, Photo Display
535 Multi Location Map Recipe
536 Multifield

A true compound field solution for Backdrop CMS.

Fields, User Interface, Editors
537 Multilingual forum

Multilingual enhancement module for Backdrop Forum

538 Multiple E-mail Addresses

The Multiple Email module allows users to register additional e-mails for their user accounts.

539 Multiple Fields Remove Button

Adds a remove button to fields with unlimited values.

540 Multiple Selects
541 Multiselect

Multiselect field widget

542 Navbar

A mobile friendly navigation toolbar containing top-level administrative components.

543 New Relic
544 Nice Blocks

Sandbox project to supply fieldable entities to blocks

Experimental Project This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.
545 Nice Menus

Backdrop port of Drupal 7 module

546 Nivo Slider

Image slider - Backdrop port of the respective Drupal 7 module.

Gallery / Slideshow, Photo Display
547 No Current Password
548 Node access node reference

Gives content access permissions to users if they have access to content that is referenced with Node reference or Entity reference.

549 Node access user reference

Gives content access permissions to users for content that references the users with User reference or Entity reference.

550 Node authorize link

Backdrop CMS module that generates links to view, edit, or delete content without login.

