View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
51 Mero

Simple theme, similar to Wordpress 2015

52 Blockify

Exposes a number of core Backdrop elements like the site name, site slogan and page title as blocks:

53 Feeds

Import or aggregate data as nodes, users, taxonomy terms or simple database records.

Data Migration, Developer Tools, Utility
54 Services

A standardized solution for building API's so that external clients can communicate with Backdrop.

API, Data Migration, developer, Developer Tools
55 Setup

Setup wizards which are run automatically on the first access of a completed or upgraded site.

56 Tag

Provides a front-end implementation of the Tag API.

57 Form Wizard

Port of CTools Wizard plugin

58 Colihaut Theme
59 Clickatell

Provides integration between the clickatell SMS service and the SMS framework project.


Provides a pluggable API for Backdrop to interact with SMS messages.

61 Autotag: Taxonomy term searcher

Uses the Tag API to help link entities to already existing taxonomy terms.

Taxonomy, Workflow
62 Cleanish Theme

Port of Drupal Clean theme

63 Senjo

A multipurpose layout

64 Forum

Port of the Forum module from Drupal 7.

65 Project Browser

Merged into core in 1.4.0. See below.

66 Site Info Blocks

Backdrop module to provide site info in separate blocks.

This module is deprecated by which has all the features here, plus more!
67 Nivo Slider

Image slider - Backdrop port of the respective Drupal 7 module.

Gallery / Slideshow, Photo Display
68 Custom Header Block

This module provides alternative configurations for the header block's components (Logo, Site name and Slogan).

69 Automatic node titles

A port of the Automatic Node Title Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

CKEditor, Fields, Workflow
70 Global Redirect

Handles automatic redirects from system paths to URL aliases.

71 Hopscotch

This module provides Backdrop integration with Hopscotch jQuery plugin for site tours

The Hopscotch Library has been abandoned and is no longer maintained.

Same layouts as the core two-column layouts, with collapsing sidebars.

73 Joyride

This module provides Backdrop integration with "Zurb's Joyride Jquery plugin": in order to provide a tour of different html elements on your Backdrop site.

74 Nice Menus

Backdrop port of Drupal 7 module

75 Bootstrap 5 Lite Appearance
76 Tour Education, help
77 Mini layouts

Provide blocks which allow positioning content within them in layouts.

blocks, layout, Structure

Export flexible template to code, creating a layout project with an `info` and a `tpl.php` file.

79 Drupal to Backdrop Migrate (D2B) Data Migration, developer, Utility
80 Devel Subthemer

Creates a subtheme from a given base theme.

