View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
651 Draggableviews

Makes Views draggable

652 Colorbox Swipe Gestures Support Colorbox, jQuery, Mobile
653 Coder Review

"Developer module" which reviews your code identifying coding style problems and where updates to the API are required.

Developer Tools, Utility
654 Coder Upgrade

Helps automate some/most of the work required to upgrade a module from Drupal to Backdrop 1.x

655 User Tabs

Port to backdrop of Drupal 7 module usertabs

656 Image Resize Filter

Automatically resize images to their width and height dimensions in the Rich Text Editor.

WYSIWYG, Filters
657 Views Menu Children Filter

Contextual filter to Views that will retrieve a menu item's "child" content.

Views, Menu
658 Ubercart

A flexible but easy-to-use e-commerce system for Backdrop.

ecommerce, Ubercart
659 BIEN

BIEN ~ Backdrop Import Export Nodes allows you to import and export content from your site.

Data Migration
660 Featherlight

A very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin.

661 Prism

Port of Drupal prism module

662 Content Menu

With this module editors can create content along with a menu item without ever really leaving the menu management process.

663 Hotjar

Port to Backdrop of this Drupal7 module

664 Computed Field Calculation, Fields
665 EXIF Orientation

Rotates an image to its EXIF Orientation when uploading.

666 Structured data markup

This module adds JSON-LD to your site, describing structured data for your content. Helps with Google rich snippets.

JSON, Structure
667 Twilio

Provides integration with the Twilio cloud communication platform, allowing your Backdrop site to integrate Voice and SMS functionality.

Third Party Integrations
668 Expander

jQuery Expander

669 Invisimail

Provides a pluggable API for Backdrop to interact with SMS messages.

671 Clickatell

Provides integration between the clickatell SMS service and the SMS framework project.


This project is obsolete and is superseded by Date in Backdrop core.

673 Views Send

Provides mass mailing using Views, enabling a list of email addresses to be produced with a view and an email to the group to be composed and sent.

674 Form Wizard

Port of CTools Wizard plugin

675 Setup

Setup wizards which are run automatically on the first access of a completed or upgraded site.

676 Contest

A custom content type that allows users to enter to win prizes via a random drawing, (sweepstakes).

677 Blockify

Exposes a number of core Backdrop elements like the site name, site slogan and page title as blocks:

678 XML sitemap

Provides a sitemap that conforms to the specification.

Sitemap, XML, SEO
679 Feed Import

Provides a capability for importing various types of data file into entities.

680 Style Settings

Change module or theme CSS values from the UI. Backdrop CMS port of

681 Back To Top

Displays a button that allows you to jump back to the top of your site.

682 Job Scheduler

A port of the Job Scheduler Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

Administration, Dates, Utility
683 Responsive Menus

A port of the Responsive Menus Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

684 Alternative Pager

Alternative Pager. API for alternative pager. It is alternative view point on Pager functionality

Administration, Editors
685 Telephone

This module provides a phone field type

686 Social field

The Social field module provides a field that allows you to collect links to social network profiles like facebook, twitter, google+, linkedin, etc.

687 Salvattore Views

CSS Driven Masonry

Views, jQuery
688 Date All Day
689 Date Repeat API

This port of this project is incomplete.

Deprecated, Dates "This module is not actively maintained: If someone submits a PR to fix remaining issues, I will test and review it." Recommended to consider "Repeating Dates" instead.
690 Date Tools
691 Elements

a library that provides complex form elements for developers to use in their modules.

Forms, HTML5
692 Flexviews

Provides a Views plugin helper for displaying content in a CSS3 flexbox style

693 Font Awesome

Include Font Awesome Icons via CSS classes in your Backdrop CMS website

Appearance, Third Party Integrations
694 WordPress Menu

WordPress Menu for Backdrop

695 Override Node Options

Allows granular permissions for most administrative tasks on the node form.

696 Entity Blocks

Displays fields of the current entity as blocks

In core Do not use! This is merged into Backdrop core!
697 Custom Text Blocks

A custom text block

Do not use! This is merged into Backdrop core!
698 Age Formatter

Integer field formatter to compute current age from year born.

699 Simple Google Maps

Provides a Google Maps link/map formatter for simple Text fields.

700 Email Contact Form

Provides a contact form field formatter for email field type.
