View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
601 Http:BL

Implements Project Honey Pot's http:BL for Backdrop CMS by providing IP-based blacklisting and linking to a honeypot

Spam control, Security
602 Stage File Proxy

Proxies files from production Backdrop CMS site so you don't have to transfer them manually.

Developer Tools, Infrastructure
603 Webform Validation

Allows you to specify validation rules for your webform components.

Webform, Validation
604 Service links

Social networking links and buttons without ads or third-party tracking

Work on this module port has been discontinued; we are instead using the Ridiculously Responsive Social Share Buttons module (
605 Video.js

Video.js is an HTML5 Video Player

606 Views B Grid

Provides grid classes for Views based on grid classes in Backdrop core.

607 IP Address Blocking

Enables blocking of IP addresses.

Security, Spam control, Access
608 Login whitelist

Restrict login to the site for whitelisted users only.

609 IP-based determination of Country

Determines country the user is located in, based on IP address.

610 Field Group

Groups fields together with different HTML wrappers such as fieldsets, vertical tabs, horizontal tabs, accordions, and div wrappers.

611 Taxonomy Title

Allows text, different from the term name, for heading tag at the top of the taxonomy term page.

612 Expanding Formatter

Provides an expanding formatter for existing text, long text and text with summary widget types.

613 Masonry API

Provides an API for integrating the jQuery Masonry plugin with Backdrop.

API, Appearance
614 Masonry Views

This modules defines a masonry grid view style using Masonry API module.

User Interface, Views
615 XCache

XCache - is a fast, stable ​PHP opcode cacher that has been proven and is now running on production servers under high load.

616 Filecache

This module allows Backdrop caches to be stored in files instead of storing in database.

617 Entity UI

Port to Backdrop of the UI functionality of Drupal's Entity API

618 Content view access

Provides "View own content" and "View any content" permissions for each content type.

Access, Content, Permissions
619 Layout Wildcard
620 Similar Entries

Compares all content and provides a view of similar content to that being viewed.

621 Views Slideshow: Galleria
622 XML-RPC Server

Provides XML-RPC functionality.

623 Production check

Check a site to see if it's properly setup for production use.

624 Devel debug log

This is a port of the 7.x branch of Drupal Devel Debug Log module

625 MailChimp

Provides integration with the MailChimp email delivery service


Collection of small modules to analyze the website.

627 Bakery

Allows for single sign-on between Backdrop sites on the same domain.

628 Copy Blocks

Add blocks to your layout which are actually copies of other blocks or entire regions.

629 Taxonomy Menu

Adds links to taxonomy terms into a menu.

630 Notify

Notify module sends e-mail digests of new content and comments.

631 Disable Term Content Listings

Selectively disable content listings per vocabulary.

Taxonomy, Display
632 Views Data Export

Views Data Export

633 Alternate hreflang

Hreflang is a simple module that automatically add tag hreflang to your pages

634 AudioField

Adds a new field that allows embedding mp3 audio.

635 Tagadelic
636 Select (or other)

Provides a new Forms API element which is a select/radios/checkboxes element that has an 'other' option.

Fields, User Interface
637 Smart Trim

Improved trimming options in text fields.

638 Payment

Allows payments to be made using any of the available payment methods

639 PayPal

Provides generic PayPal functionality for Payment module

640 Currency

Provides currency exchange rates

Calculation, Utility
641 jPlayer

Provides an HTML5-based audio player using the jPlayer JavaScript library.

642 Webform Draggable List
643 Register Country

Enables limiting registration to specific countries.

644 iframe Filter

Embed arbitrary content in an iframe.

645 IMCE Mkdir

Allows users to manage directories in IMCE.

646 Paging

Allows a single post to be divided into multiple pages.

647 Translation template extractor

Translation template extrator for Backdrop modules, layouts, and themes. Finds translatable strings such as t() calls and exports .pot files.

648 Trigger Actions

The Trigger Actions module provides the ability to cause actions to run when certain triggers take place on your site.

649 Feeds XPath Parser
650 Views Grouping Row Limit

This is a basic Views style plugin that allows for a limit on the number of rows displayed within a grouping field.

