View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
851 Disqus

Backdrop port of Discus comment Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

Comments, Third Party Integrations, Single Sign-On
852 Node export
853 Universally Unique ID

Universally Unique IDentifier

854 Webform

For making surveys and forms in Backdrop.

855 Transliteration

Provides a central transliteration service to other Backdrop modules, and sanitizes file names while uploading.

Deprecated The functionality of this module has been merged into Backdrop core since version 1.3.0
856 Date

This project is obsolete and should not be used.

This port to Backdrop is obsolete.
857 Rules

Porting the Rules project to Backdrop.

858 Login Destination

The Login Destination module allows you to customize the destination that a user is redirected to after logging in, registering to the site, using a one-time login link or logging out.

859 Menu position

This module allows for the creation of rules that will dynamically add the current page into the menu system at the requested spots.

860 Flag

Flag module for Backdrop CMS

861 Submitted By

Control the format of your content's "Submitted by" information per content type.

Content, Editors, Nodes Partially merged into core
862 LoginToboggan

The Login Toboggan module improves the Backdrop login system.

863 Float Filter

Simple filter that adds surrounding tags around floated img, figure, or table tags.

864 Contact Forms

Modifies core contact by adding individual contact pages for each contact category

865 Views Slideshow

Create slideshows of any content in a View.

Gallery / Slideshow, Photo Display, Views
866 Libraries (deprecated)

(Deprecated) Provides external library handling for other Backdrop modules.

867 Add another

Add another is designed to save time during repetitive content creation. It allows the content creator to add another node of the same type much faster.

868 Simplenews Scheduler

BackdropCMS port of the Simplenews Scheduler module for Drupal 7

869 Mandrill

BackdropCMS port of the Mandrill module for Drupal 7

870 Mime Mail

Mime Mail provides functions for other modules to use to send HTML mail.

871 SMTP Authentication

Backdrop CMS port of the SMTP module for Drupal 7

872 Webform Remote Post

BackdropCMS port of the Webform Remote Post module for Drupal 7

Webform, Third Party Integrations
873 Project

Projects associate a code-based project with releases and power the update server of

874 Global Redirect

Handles automatic redirects from system paths to URL aliases.

875 Views Load More

An ajax load more pager module

876 Access Unpublished

Grants access to view unpublished content to anyone who has a unique URL and appropriate permissions.

877 Waypoints

Waypoints is a small jQuery plugin that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.

jQuery, User Interface
878 Void Menu

Backdrop CMS port of the Void Menu for Drupal 7

879 Scroll Reveal

Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.

User Interface, Display
880 Parallax Background

Backdrop CMS port of the Parallax Background Drupal 7 module

881 Joyride

This module provides Backdrop integration with "Zurb's Joyride Jquery plugin": in order to provide a tour of different html elements on your Backdrop site.

882 APC - Alternative PHP Cache

Enables the Alternative PHP Cache.

883 Pathologic

Pathologic is an input filter which can correct paths in links and images in your Backdrop content in situations which would otherwise cause them to break.

884 Comments block

Puts the comments and the comment form into a block.

885 Hopscotch

This module provides Backdrop integration with Hopscotch jQuery plugin for site tours

The Hopscotch Library has been abandoned and is no longer maintained.
886 EFQ Helper

Provides the EfqHelper class which extends EntityFieldQuery to aid in development.


Same layouts as the core two-column layouts, with collapsing sidebars.

888 Sticky Admin Tabs

Themes Backdrop Tabs to be consistent across themes and fixed to the bottom of the screen.

889 Project Browser

Merged into core in 1.4.0. See below.

890 Project Browser Server

Provides API for Project Browser module.

891 Mobile Navigation

Turning on this module creates a configurable mobile navigation menu for your theme/site via Javascript

Mobile, Navigation, Menus
892 AutoFloat

Float images automagically. Backdrop CMS port of Tested and fully functional.

893 Flickr

Media management for Backdrop CMS. Port of Tested and fully functional.

Appearance, blocks, Photo Display, Photos, Third Party Integrations
894 File Field Sources

Populate any file field from a variety of sources, such as entering remote URLs directly, re-use existing uploaded files, or pull from a server directory.

895 Google Fonts
896 Fences

A backdrop port of the Drupal 7 fences module.


A simple vagrant VM for backdrop

898 Views Autocomplete Filters

Autocomplete functionality for the views filter text fields.

899 Gallery Tiler

Field formatter that ships with fancy gallery styles for image fields.


Plugin for integrating to Backdrop

Chat, Community, Third Party Integrations
