View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
701 Responsive Favicons

Backdrop port of Drupal module. Provides multiple favicons and app icons for your website

702 Base Meta: Page Title And Meta Tags

Base Meta: Page Title And Meta Tags

703 GCal

Provides APIs for managing Google calendars.

704 Agenda

Allows you to display a list of upcoming events from Google Calendar as a block on your website.

705 Juicebox

A set of commands and boot class for Drush and Backdrop CMS.

707 Simplified menu administration

Backdrop port of Drupal module for issue #475

708 Edit profile

Creates separate "Edit account" and "Edit profile" tabs for each user, with custom user fields configured under "Edit profile."

profile, user accounts, User Interface
709 EU Cookie Compliance

Aims to meet EU requirements regarding the use of cookies.

710 Tab Tamer

Gives additional control over what tabs are seen by a user

User Interface, Menus
711 Better Exposed Filters

Replaces the Views single-select or multi-select elements with radio buttons or checkboxes, respectively.

Views, Filters
712 Better Formats

Allows per-role permissions and restrictions to text formats

713 Coffee

A port of the Drupal module Coffee

Administration, Search, UX
714 RESTful web services

Backdrop port of RESTful Web Services module

A security vulnerability was detected in the Drupal version which has not been corrected in this Backdrop port.
715 Field Permissions

Allows site administrators to set field-level permissions for fields that are attached to any kind of entity

716 Auto Assign Role

This module automatically assigns new users to a specific role when the user initially signs up for their account

Administration, Login, Permissions, Roles
717 Content Access

Manage permissions for content types by role.

Content, Access
718 ACL

API for other modules to create lists of users and give them access to nodes

719 Filebrowser

The FileBrowser module displays contents of a given directory as a node on your Backdrop site - do not use together with Filebrowser AJAX module

720 Address Field

Provides a field for international postal addresses. Uses a subset of the top-level address elements defined in the xNAL standard.


content editing sidebar file managing tool - do not use together with Filebrowser module

722 Form element layout (fel)

Form API and field setting for manipulating the layout of primitive form elements.

723 Spam Bot Blocker

A "strong" CAPTCHA that is easy to use for site visitors and site admins.

Spam control
724 Tipsy

Provides a Facebook-like balloon tooltip for any element by using jQuery plugin Tipsy.

725 Calendar

For displaying date fields as a calendar, with days, months and years by using Views.

Calendar, Dates
726 Unsubscribe

Backdrop module which permits users to unsubscribe from email notifications.

727 Location

Associate real-world geographic locations to Backdrop entities.


A set of 8 splash page flexbox based layouts for Backdrop CMS.

729 Select and Other

A list field widget that also provides a write-in text box when Other is selected from the list.

730 Headless

Headless is an API to deliver nodes and lists of nodes as JSON data.

731 Page Theme

Allows to use different themes than the site default on specific pages.

732 Content Theme

Allows to use different themes than the site default on content creating, editing, and viewing pages.

Appearance, Theme Enhancements
733 Copyright Notice

A tokenized block to display the copyright notice.

734 Menu Admin per Menu

Provides menu administration permissions for each individual menu.


Create customized lists and queries from your database.

In core, Deprecated The views module has been included in Backdrop core since version 1.0.0. There is no reason to install this module, hooray!
736 HTML5 upload

Batch-uploading (drag-and-drop multiple) of images/files in modern (HTML5 compliant) browsers

Files, Fields, HTML5

Allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses.

In core The panels module has a nearly equivalent feature, the Layouts module, that has been included in Backdrop core since version 1.0.0. There is no reason to install this module, hooray!

This suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools to improve the developer experience.

Most tools in the Chaos Tools Suite have nearly equivalent features that have been included in Backdrop core since version 1.0.0. There is no reason to install this module, hooray!
739 Nodequeue

This module allows an administrator to arbitrarily put nodes in a group for some purpose; examples of this might be to highlight one particular node, as in a typical news site's Lead Article.

740 Views Watchdog

Extends the Views module and allows to create custom lists of log entries.

741 Geocoder

An API and widget to geocode various known data into other GIS data types.

Mapping, Geo, Fields
742 Geofield

Stores geographic and location data (points, lines, and polygons).

Fields, Mapping
743 geoPHP

Provides integration with the geoPHP library.

744 Leaflet

Integration with the Leaflet map scripting library.

745 Tweaks

A collection of small modules to enhances the usability and performance of the website.

746 Views node field

For that cool views plugin that just doesn't support node row display.

747 Animate CSS

Animate is an integration of animate.css, a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.

748 WOW JS Such Impress

This module integrates the wow.js library into Backdrop CMS. WOW is a Javascript library which works nicely with the Animate CSS library to create great cross browser CSS3-based animations in your website.

749 Node Clone

Allows users to make a copy of an existing node and then edit that copy easily. Has also been used by some to facilitate node templating.

750 Search 404

Instead of showing a standard "404 Page not found", this module performs a search on the keywords in the URL.
