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Thwart attempts to brute-force logins in Backdrop.


Provides a new type of block, called "Message". These are be styled to look like the default status/info/warning/error messages.


This module displays the time it will take to read the node content on your site.


This module provides an field formatter to zoom an image while hovering over it.

Formatters, Images

All available Bootswatch themes, implemented as Bootstrap Lite subthemes

Appearance, Theme Enhancements
7 Please delete this accidental project.

A template for creating your own, custom Backdrop module.


A template for creating your own, custom Backdrop layout.


A template for creating your own, custom Backdrop theme.

11 ACL

API for other modules to create lists of users and give them access to nodes

12 Active Tags

Initial Backdrop port of Active Tags module for Drupal 7.

13 Advanced Text Formatter

An advanced display formatter of textfield, text area and text format

14 API

Generates HTML-formatted pages of documentation from PHPdoc.

15 Automatic Entity Label

Allows hiding of entity label fields and automatic label creation

16 Avatar

Automatically generate unique avatars for user accounts.

Community, Images, Account Management, user accounts
17 Basis (Contrib)

Candidate for new default theme in Backdrop

Unsupported, Theme
18 BeautyTips API

Provides ballon-help style tooltips for any page element by integrating the BeautyTips jQuery Tooltip plugin.

19 Better Formats

Allows per-role permissions and restrictions to text formats

20 Book Cache

Better caching logic for core book module

Performance, Scalability
21 Bot repellent

Add the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header to Backdrop for global bot crawling rules.

Security, Access, Infrastructure
22 Brain Forum
23 Breakpoints

Breakpoints management for responsive web design.

24 Calendar

For displaying date fields as a calendar, with days, months and years by using Views.

Calendar, Dates
25 Chain Menu Access API

Allows your module to chain its own menu access callback functions into other modules' menu router entries.

26 Champion

The winning web components and HAX install profile for backdrop.

27 CKEditor accordion

Provides the accordion plugin for CKEditor

28 CKEditor Addon

Freedom, fixes, and enhancements to Backdrop core CKEditor

CKEditor, Editors This module contains a known security vulnerability. Use at your own risk.
29 Clear password field

Disable autocomplete for password fields on Backdrop login forms.

Login, Security
30 Code Filter

Adds syntax highlighting and proper escaping to output and tags in content.

31 Coffee

A port of the Drupal module Coffee

Administration, Search, UX
32 Color Variables

A theme that demonstrates how to use CSS variables to provide simple color support.

CSS, Appearance
33 Custom breadcrumbs

Allows administrators to set up parametrized breadcrumb trails for any node type, taxonomy, path, etc.

34 Custom Publishing Options
35 Date Multiselect

Enables jquery multiselect calendars.

36 Date popup timepicker

Adds a new timepicker option for datetime fields, providing a better ui for the timepicker.

37 Devel debug log

This is a port of the 7.x branch of Drupal Devel Debug Log module

38 Disable login errors

Hide all the (helpful) error messages for failed logins in Backdrop.

39 Diskfree

A Backdrop module to monitor disk space utilization.

40 Disqus

Backdrop port of Discus comment Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

Comments, Third Party Integrations, Single Sign-On
41 Ejector seat

Log out (eject) a user whose session has ended in Backdrop.

42 Elysia Cron

Port from Drupal 7

developer, Infrastructure, Utility
43 Entity Pager

Provides next and previous navigation on entities.

Entity, Site Navigation, Structure
44 Entityforms

Provides fieldable entity forms

45 FAQ Field

This module provides a field for frequently asked questions.

46 Feeds XPath Parser
47 Field Visibility Condition

Allows admins to control access by entity field value

Access, Fields
48 File Resumable Upload

File Resumable Upload adds large file multiple and resumable uploads to the File and Image field widgets.

49 Flickr

Media management for Backdrop CMS. Port of Tested and fully functional.

Appearance, blocks, Photo Display, Photos, Third Party Integrations
50 Flood control

Add an administration interface for hidden flood control variables in Backdrop.
