View result counter Edit link Name Description Community Tags Community Notes
901 HTTP Response Headers
902 Simple Timeline

Create vertical timelines with views.

903 Session API

A very simple set of functions that extend the core sessions workings, allowing data to be stored and associated with a user's session.

904 Cloudflare

CloudFlare is a FREE reverse proxy, firewall, and global content delivery network and can be implemented without installing any server software or hardware.

developer, Infrastructure, Third Party Integrations
905 Username Enumeration Prevention

Mitigate common ways of anonymous users identifying valid usernames on a website.

906 Membership Entity

Backdrop contrib module for creation and management of membership entities. Ported from Drupal July 2021.

907 Dark Admin

Simple module, no config. Inverts admin pages into dark mode using javascript and css.

908 IP Address Manager
909 Resource Timeslots

Provides a field type to reserve timeslots for configurable resources using a Fullcalendar calendar widget

910 Views Photo Grid

Backdrop port of Views Photo Grid module for Drupal 7.

Appearance, Images, Photo Display, Theme Enhancements, Views
911 Tour Education, help
912 Layout Contextual Links

This Backdrop module adds a contextual links drop-down for the layout on all pages.

913 Protected Pages

Password protect any individual page

914 Mini layouts

Provide blocks which allow positioning content within them in layouts.

blocks, layout, Structure
915 Field Collection

Field Collection

916 Repeating Dates

Repeating (recurring) dates based on ICAL rules, with an easier user interface

917 Entity Connect

Entity Connect extends Entity References fields by adding "add new content" and "edit current content" buttons.

918 Basic Entity Plus Example

An example of a custom entity with Entity Plus and Entity UI

919 PHPWord Wrapper

A wrapper around the PHPWord library.

920 Inline Entity Form

Provides a widget for inline management (creation, modification, removal) of referenced entities.

921 Masonry Gallery

Views style plugin for Backdrop CMS. Displays images in masonry layout.

Gallery / Slideshow, Photo Display
922 Views CSS Grid

Views CSS Grid allows site builders to create a responsive View of content placed into CSS3 Grid layouts with or without adding their own CSS. There are facilities to add your own Grid styles.

923 GLightbox

Lightbox module for Backdrop CMS.

JS Library, Images
924 Active Tags

Initial Backdrop port of Active Tags module for Drupal 7.

925 Title length
926 Metis

Backdrop port of Metis module for Drupal

927 Advanced Text Formatter

An advanced display formatter of textfield, text area and text format

928 jQuery Countdown Timer

This module provides a block with a jQuery countdown timer.

929 noderefcreate

Node Reference Create is an enhancement to the nodereference autocomplete widget that allows users to reference non-existent nodes.

930 Menu Expanded

A port of the Menu Expanded Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

931 Token embed views

This module allows embedding views by using tokens.

Views, Tokens
932 Fullcalendar Views NG

Views style plugin to render all sorts of date fields as events with FullCalendar

933 ChartCSS Framework

Easily create charts and graphs with a CSS framework

934 Rules Throttle

Provides a delay action to rules, to help reduce resource usage.

Performance, Rules
935 Fullcalendar Library

Integrates a recent FullCalendar library.

936 GitHub Branches

View the branches for a GitHub fork and the pull requests associated with them.

937 Custom tokens
938 Text Summary Options

This module provides site builders with additional options for the 'summary' field when using "Text Area with a Summary" widget.

939 CAFile Fetcher

Gets an up-to-date certificate authority bundle to verify certs in tls connections

940 Administration Menu Source

This integrates with the standard Admin Bar where you can specify which menu items should be shown for each role.

Access, Administration, admin_bar, Permissions
941 Views summarize

Displays summaries of the data in a column on the last row.

942 Typogrify

Brings the typographic refinements of Typogrify to Backdrop CMS

Appearance, Editors
943 Easy Social

Adds share buttons for content as blocks or fields.

share, social
944 Redirect Import

Bulk import Redirects from a CSV file.

Administration, Drush, Path Management, SEO, Utility
945 Field default token

Use token values as default values for fields

946 Pseudo Field

This module allows you to render an extra field like a real field with an optional label.

947 Mass password reset

Reset the passwords of all users except the administrative superuser.

Security, user accounts, users
948 SendGrid Integration social
949 Viewport Appearance, developer, Theme Enhancements
950 Image link to file

A formatter for image fields that creates a hyperlink from the image to a file field in the same entity.

Fields, Formatters, Images, User Interface
