View result counter Edit link Namesort descending Description Community Tags Community Notes

Export flexible template to code, creating a layout project with an `info` and a `tpl.php` file.


Same layouts as the core two-column layouts, with collapsing sidebars.


Provides a pluggable API for Backdrop to interact with SMS messages.

4 Adminimal

Minimalist administration theme.

No README. No Releases.
5 Amazon API

Provides integration with the Amazon Product Advertising API.

6 Amazon Store

Amazon shopping cart and searching

7 Auto Assign Role

This module automatically assigns new users to a specific role when the user initially signs up for their account

Administration, Login, Permissions, Roles
8 Automatic node titles

A port of the Automatic Node Title Drupal 7 module to BackdropCMS

CKEditor, Fields, Workflow
9 Autotag: Taxonomy term searcher

Uses the Tag API to help link entities to already existing taxonomy terms.

Taxonomy, Workflow
10 Bakery

Allows for single sign-on between Backdrop sites on the same domain.

11 Ban IP

Block site vistors by IP address

Security, Infrastructure, Access, Spam control
12 Basicolor

Subtheme of Basis, the default Backdrop theme, with color support

Does Basis now have color support by default?
13 Block Disabler

NOW IN CORE. Allows admins to hide blocks without removing from the layout.

14 Block remove

Allows users to remove blocks from the front end.

15 Block Scheduler

Adds a Datetime Visibility Condition to Backdrop.

blocks, Dates
16 Blockify

Exposes a number of core Backdrop elements like the site name, site slogan and page title as blocks:

17 Bootstrap 5 Lite Appearance
18 Charts

A charting API for Drupal that provides chart elements and integration with Views

Calculation, Data, Data Visualization
19 CKEditor Indent/Outdent

CKEditor plugin for adding indents and outdents.

20 CKEditor Mentions

CKEditor plugin for user mentioning and inserting

21 Cleanish Theme

Port of Drupal Clean theme

22 Clickatell

Provides integration between the clickatell SMS service and the SMS framework project.

23 Coder Review

"Developer module" which reviews your code identifying coding style problems and where updates to the API are required.

Developer Tools, Utility
24 Coder Subthemer

Builds a subtheme from a provided base.

25 Coder Upgrade

Helps automate some/most of the work required to upgrade a module from Drupal to Backdrop 1.x

26 Colihaut Theme
27 Commerce ecommerce
28 Copy Blocks

Add blocks to your layout which are actually copies of other blocks or entire regions.

29 Currency

Provides currency exchange rates

Calculation, Utility
30 Custom Header Block

This module provides alternative configurations for the header block's components (Logo, Site name and Slogan).

31 Default Views Convert to Config

This module produces Backdrop-compatible config code from Drupal 7 hook_views_default_views() code.

Views, Data Migration, Developer Tools, Drupal 7 Upgrade
32 Devel generate text settings

This module allows you to control the length and format of generated content for text and long text fields.

33 Devel Subthemer

Creates a subtheme from a given base theme.

34 Draggableviews

Makes Views draggable

35 Drupal to Backdrop Migrate (D2B) Data Migration, developer, Utility
36 Edit profile

Creates separate "Edit account" and "Edit profile" tabs for each user, with custom user fields configured under "Edit profile."

profile, user accounts, User Interface
37 Entity UI

Port to Backdrop of the UI functionality of Drupal's Entity API

38 Examples for Developers

Examples for Developers

39 Facet API

An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backends.

40 Fanciblock

Fanciblock module can be used to create image and icon feature boxes.

blocks, layout, Structure
41 Feeds

Import or aggregate data as nodes, users, taxonomy terms or simple database records.

Data Migration, Developer Tools, Utility
42 Flexible layouts

Provides a layout with configurable rows, columns and regions.

In core This project is now available in core.
43 Flexible template

This is a stub template required by the Flexible Layout module.

Is this module necessary anymore, since we have Flexible Layouts in core?
44 Form Wizard

Port of CTools Wizard plugin

45 Forum

Port of the Forum module from Drupal 7.

46 Forum Next Generation
47 Global Redirect

Handles automatic redirects from system paths to URL aliases.

48 Hero layout

Versions of core layouts with container classes inside the wrapper, and with a full-width hero region

Appearance, layout, Structure
49 Hopscotch

This module provides Backdrop integration with Hopscotch jQuery plugin for site tours

The Hopscotch Library has been abandoned and is no longer maintained.
50 IP-based determination of Country

Determines country the user is located in, based on IP address.
